Guiding Principles
- Check Hot surfaces are adequately protected to not create a heat ignition source in event of an oil leak/spray. Ensure insulation is well maintained, properly fitting, and correctly installed after maintenance work.
- Conduct regular temperature check of insulated hot surfaces using a hand-held infrared thermometer. Always do this after maintenance period where insulation has been removed / replaced.
- Test functionality of quick closing devices and check no inappropriate locking devices fitted or otherwise be secured in the open position.
- Check PMS job cards and instructions include correct torque settings are known and applied, with correct tools, when overhauling or otherwise installing components in fuel oil systems.
- Ensure use of correct gaskets and jointing compounds as per manufacturer / international standards.
- Implement procedures to identify vibration, fatigue, defects, poor components, and poor fitting of the fuel system and ensure that proper attention to protecting hot surfaces is maintained.
- Supplement practical training with Learning Engagement Tools - “Machinery Space Fires”.
- Run Reflective Learning exercises. - “Is it equipment that really fails?”
- During Chief Engineer handover periods, and every Superintendent visit, check fuel oil systems maintained in good order. Particular attention paid to jacketed piping, spray shields, enclosures, hose assemblies, bellows expansion joints, etc. Oil leaks (even minor) should be attended to without delay.
- Conduct Sailing Engine Room Audits.