Rules will deliver an improved safety performance across the shipping industry. Together in Safety, a consortium of leading maritime organisations and companies, is today launching the Golden Safety Rules to help shipping improve its safety performance. This builds on existing…
When I speak with any seafarer and their spouse, any shipping company executive or shipowner, and ask “What is the most important aspect of crew management, today and into the future?” The answer is always the same: “safety”. Whether it…
Data from Lloyd’s List Intelligence casualty reports sheds light on the situation, but it remains difficult to accurately assess the true number of fatalities that occur at sea. The number of incidents where a death occurs during maritime operations is…
The problem with chasing so hard after the decarbonisation agenda and digital technologies is that ship operators might overlook the basics of shipping, namely, safety. The overwhelming drive for decarbonisation is not helping the industry to improve levels of safety,…
In almost every shipping incident, the issue is non-compliance with regulation: the procedures are in place, but the practice is lacking. Shipping lags behind many other industry sectors in terms of safety, writes Rasaad Jamie. According to a 2014 report…
The ‘Together in Safety’ coalition’s core objective is to save seafarers’ lives, while delivering improved business efficiency and commercial effectiveness, and is fundamental to safeguarding shipping’s future success, Grahaeme Henderson reports Safety is the single most important subject for any…
It is time to adopt a safety-first strategy again if seafarers are to feel valued and cared for. Safety is the single most important subject for any shipping company. Getting our programmes right is imperative to future success. It goes…
Leading and managing a shipping company has become ever more challenging with a continuously increasing list of items on the busy agenda. Shipping is now not just about moving cargo but includes Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) aspects, sustainability, decarbonisation,…
These are not accidents, but repeatable incidents that could and should have been prevented. The safety performance in our industry has plateaued in recent years and at an unacceptable level. Seafarers are being killed and seriously injured, there is asset…
By Dr Grahaeme Henderson OBE Why is safety the single most important subject for every shipping company? Why should safety be the top agenda item for every company’s CEO and Leadership Team? Among the ever-increasing list of items on the…