Guiding Principles
- Eliminate the need for personnel transfers, where possible. Consider ‘Do we really need to do this?’
- Conduct risk assessment and identify if additional hazards specific to the operation and prevailing conditions.
- Establish and implement HSE procedures on personnel transfer, based on a risk assessment.
- Supervise by a responsible officer - rigging of the transfer arrangement and operation.
- Keep equipment well maintained - the appliances shall be kept clean, properly maintained and stowed and shall be regularly inspected to ensure they are safe to use. Inspection routines should be included in the vessels planned maintenance system.
- Cranes required for personnel basket operations must be class-approved as suitable for this purpose.
- Train crew in their responsibilities as part of the risk assessment controls. Conduct Toolbox Talks.
- Supplement practical training with Reflective Learning exercise “Personnel Transfer”
- Give specific focus during Company audits and periodical risk assessment reviews.
- Check maintenance and inspection records during Superintendent visits.
- Arrange third party safety inspections.